Compex Divinity

What can I say a complex person in a complex world. This journey we call life I try to make sense of. As I go through experiences and with the words I share with who ever reads this :)

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Synthesis Essay

Parenting is a complicated age way of life. Respectful approaches of parents towards their children in the passages "Be-ers and Do-ers" by Budge Wilson and "The Most Powerful Question a Parent Can Ask..." by Neil Millar is all about what kind of people you want in this world.

From the two passages, it's all about how parents relate to life and how that affects their children growing up. The approach that is most respectful is teaching that of "The Most Powerful Question a Parent Can Ask...". The passage clearly indicates that giving children responsibility at all stages in their lives, will promote and facilitate responsibility in their adult lives. For example the writer talks about giving children small chores around the house will give them the skills needed for future responsibility.

As opposed to the mother in "Be-ers and Do-ers" she was always comparing her only son to his father and in a negative way. She clearly directed him be more like her in a way that didn't allow him to be himself. There was no encouragnment to become a well rounded, confident individual. By dictitaing how you should be instead of modeling it could back fire and end up with resentful, bitter adults.

The respectful way to raise children, is by modeling, gratude, apperication and good citizenship. Parents can do this by treating children with respect, giving them responsibility and guiding and caring for them.

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