Wednesday, October 14, 2009
To be Accepted Go the Distance
There are so many lives in this world. Though some are similar none are the same. No life is greater than another, but each one is unique. In my life I've had ups and downs; good times and bad. But who hasn't? I have had a great life yes. I mean as a child I could take apart a VCR put it back together and watch Lion King before dinner. I could make a volcano every lunch in grade one and two; after eating hot lunch. As I grow, I realize different things and start to ask more questions and we change. In middle school I could do sixty-two sit ups in a minute. Yeah I got the school record. I've canoed everywhere in British Columbia. I've canoed in Scotland. I've canoed through wind and rain, through the hot scorching sun. I've overcame many obstacles in my life. I am very unique in my background, Okanagan native and Aztec Mexican. Having these both of these backgrounds is a bit of a challenge. I am proud of my culture it doesn't always get the respect and acceptance that all people deserve. Racism I have over came.But I think many people have not; for example there are many cultures in my high school and not all are accepted by each other. I believe in fighting for my rights and being a good ambassador for my people. All my people. I am proud of my ancestors and who I am as a person. I have learned so much about life in general through community, friends and family. I most value the lessons from my elders and my people. I hope that someday everyone can be accepting of one another. One of my goals in the future may be to promote acceptance and tolerance in all races. My short term goal is to graduate with a full dogwood and be accepted into your school.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
The Gangster
A pair of evil dark eyes stared from behind a crinkled face. It was the look of a ruthless gangster. With a tilted hat;shadowing the left side of his face, a suit and tie with creeping smoke from the cigarette between his rough lips. His eyebrows glare frozen like the icicles hanging off the edge of a house. His english bull dog face with a crooked nose. Although he is clean cut; he has a cutting stare. Ears like radars, looks like they hear more then is said to them.
Thanksgiving Weekend
The past Thanksgiving weekend was fun and busy. My usual Thanksgiving weekend consists of sleeping in, shopping and calling the family members. Cooking and cleaning, talking with the family and filling my plate as if it's a shoe box. But this year was different. I attended the confederacy meeting. It went well, I learned so much about many different things. I listened to the elders, the knowledge keepers. I did hear somethings I didn't want to hear but, the truth is what I want. After the long weekend of listening and learning I've been thinking alot. I want to find a way. I've had a dream on Sunday night, I'm still trying to find out the meaning, I hope I will soon.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Super Power

They say the sky is the limit. But how often do people get to reach that limit? I'm not talking about in planes, jets or hellicopters. But to actually be in the clouds. To feel the coolness on my face and the wind in my hair. To be able to go any where I want any time. That is what I desire to fly. To not need a set of keys,license, or passport to travel. To go through clouds and look down and see the earth from a different point of view. To go any where I want as long as it's ok with my mom and dad. To fly with all the birds and bugs. To see all the people, buildings, and cars. In a way I'd be more free, and be able to see what I want to see. I could save people, animals, get more fresh air. I would love for that to be my super power. To soar, to glide, to fly.
Hello, I'm am new to blogging but, you know what I think it's kinda cool and looking forward to using my blog.
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